Another Use for Soda?
Got a bottle of flat cola aboard? Don't throw it away, throw it into your head and let it sit for an hour. It makes a great nontoxic...

Temperature Rising?
The needle on your boat's temperature gauge is rising. This almost always means you have a lack of water flow in the cooling loop....

It's "Maintenance Monday", and today we're talking about an often neglected, but highly important and necessary part of an enjoyable day...

Boating Tip of the Day - Hanger Trick
Boating Tip of the Day: A wire coat hanger can save the day. Bend it into a hook and you can retrieve that wedding ring that fell...

Protect Your Boat's Canvas Surface
It's "Maintenance Monday", and today we're discussing how to maintain the waterproof attributes of your boat's canvas surfaces. Acrylic...

Clean up that Scum Line
Cost-Saving Boat Maintenance Tip of the Day: Want a cheap home remedy for washing away scum lines, tannin and rust stains on your...

Get a Head-Start on Your Fish Fry
Coat filet knives with cooking oil after each use, dispensed from a recycled spray bottle. The oil prevents rust from forming on the...

Need a helping hand?
Boating Maintenance Tip of the Day: Ever need to tighten a nut on one side of a bulkhead, but your arms aren’t long enough to reach...

Keep that Stainless Steel Shining
Boating Maintenance Tip of the Day: Toothpaste will remove surface rust from stainless-steel fittings. Use a toothbrush to apply, then...

Steering Issues?
It's "Maintenance Monday", and if you've spent enough time at the helm of a boat, you've had this experience : You turn the wheel, and it...